I wrote this post last year, however since the election of our new mayor, Anne Hidalgo, and the collapse of a section of mesh on the Pont des Arts footbridge due to the weight of the padlocks, things have changed: the Love Bridge will be no more. In a bid to save the city’s bridge from collapsing, Paris officials are turning to social media. From now on, amorous couples will be asked to post “selfies” and not “love locks”. Here’s what I wrote last year –
This subject is so extraordinary it deserves its own post. As I strolled along the left bank of the river Seine last Sunday, I crossed over to the other side via this footbridge. Fastened to the chainlink fencing on either side were thousands and thousands of small padlocks.
Locks from lovers all over the world. Paying homage to…..Paris, the City of Love!
It was extraordinary. See this guy here? He’s what you’d call an opportunist. Or maybe a love merchant would be a better name.
I asked him how much his love locks were. He said 5, 7 and 9 euros depending on the size. The reason he’s looking aloof in the photo above is because the cops came. He quickly scooped up his locks and played innocent bystander. Ah, love….what a wonderful commerce it is.