Saturday night. Nathaniel Drew. Portugal.

Saturday night. Lockdown. Curfew. Pouring rain earlier. Quiet and fresh now as the clock ticks past 11 pm. From Istanbul my friend is sending me videos and photos on an hourly basis.

Nathaniel Drew. An earnest young man whose videos I watch occasionally. Not quite sure what his shtick is. In search of mental clarity, he writes on his website. Good luck with that.

He went to Portugal a week before I did last summer. I spent eleven perfect days in Porto towards the end of August 2020. I can’t wait to go back. (For newcomers to my blog, click on PORTUGAL up top for a travelogue.)

Here’s Nathaniel’s view in a video entitled “The Most Underrated Country I’ve Ever Been To” –

(280) The Most Underrated Country I’ve Ever Been To – YouTube

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