View from the top of London

The view from the top of the Shard: London panorama of sights and sounds

To mark the opening of the Shard, The Guardian newspaper has produced a 360-degree, augmented-reality panorama of London’s newest view, from the building’s public observation deck.

This is fantastic. (see link below). I particularly like the Day and Dusk features (upper right-hand corner). Use the arrows at bottom of screen.

I have lived and worked in London at different times of my life;  it’s truly a phenomenal city. Nowadays I visit London several times a year on the Eurostar, a high-speed train service connecting Paris with London (under the English Channel) in just over 2 hours.

Paris should do the same thing with a panoramic view from atop the Eiffel Tower.  Or New York from atop the Empire State Building…..the sky’s the limit!