Arcachon is a medium-sized beach town situated south of Bordeaux and north of Biarritz on France’s alluring Atlantic Coast. Across the bay of Arcachon is a peninsula called Cap Ferret, not to be confused with Cap Ferrat on the Mediterranean. Covered with pine trees and sand dunes, it is reachable by boat.
You’ll find more Bordelais here than Parisians because a sizeable chunk of the Bordeaux bourgeoisie have summer homes in Arcachon and Cap Ferret.
The weather was perfect: hot and sunny every day, but always a cool wind blowing in off the ocean.
The moment I stepped off the train (3 and a half hours direct from Paris on the high-speed train, TGV) I could smell the briny sea air. What a refreshing change from the polluted smog I’m forced to breathe in Paris! The Hotel de la Plage was perfect. Located between the train station and the beach, the rooms were air-conditioned, sound-proofed and very comfortable. I paid 123 euros a night which are high season rates.
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