Today was a civic holiday (Armistice Day) in France and unseasonably warm. At around 1 o’clock I headed over to the 8th arrondissement. I had no idea it was so warm out. It was 17°C. The more I walked, the more layers of clothing I removed. How this woman could wear a mink coat is beyond me. I thought this scene – taken on the boulevard Haussmann in front of Au Printemps department store – was hilarious. They were stuffing their dog into a carry-bag. Pauvre petit chien.

Yes, Christmas decorations are up already, can you believe it? They seem so incongruous in the warm weather and, after all, it’s only November 11th. What’s the rush?
Everyone was enjoying the sunshine while sitting on café and restaurant terraces. Incidentally, L’Ecluse is an excellent place for lunch or dinner. There are several dotted around the city. They serve only Bordeaux wines (with really good food). Or you can just sit up at the wine bar and taste different Bordeaux wines by the glass.

For those of you planning to Christmas shop or just window shop in Paris, here are some of my favourite places in the central 8th arrondissement – 
Last year I did a post on the rue Boissy d’Anglas which runs from the Place de la Concorde (to the left of the Hotel Crillon) up to the boulevard des Malesherbes. I used to work on this street (at number 9) and I love this area. Yes, it’s expensive, but window-shopping is free. The Christmas decorations on this street, lit up at night, are stunning.

Franco-Brazilian fashion designer, Anne Fontaine, makes exquisite blouses.

A perfect gift store! Alessi is a kitchen utensil company from Italy that sells everyday kitchen items from plastic and metal designed by famous designers.
Unless this place has changed management since I was there last year, I wouldn’t recommend this place. I found it overly expensive and the waitstaff unfriendly.
If you want to splash some cash, here’s a reputable French restaurant located at number 41 rue Boissy d’Anglas. Expensive but seriously good. And good service.
Gorgeous sheets. I buy them here in the January sales. In fact, most smart Parisian shoppers only buy during the January and June sales.
If only this road were always empty at 2 pm on a weekday.
Sadly, you see this all the time in France. Far too many young French women smoke. It’s been said that they smoke to eat less and stay slim. Mireille Guiliano, author of French Women Don’t Get Fat fails to mention this in her book.
This is Part 1. I’ll post Part 2 in a few days. Thanks for reading! à très bientôt.