Is it possible to fall in love with a hotel (and a city) just by looking at photos?
I took one look at the photos, read the blurbs, and said, “I’m going.”

The truth is, I’ve been wanting to visit Ghent (Belgium) for awhile now. Last year I had booked a trip with the kids. We were going to stay in a hostel. But the weather was bad, so I cancelled.
And now? Forget the hostel, forget the kids … I’m going to this place in December. I’ve already booked (and cancelled Venice.) Then onwards to Antwerp.
Ghent is called “the best kept secret of Europe.” The hotel is called 1898 The Post because it was built in 1898 and it was a post office. Closed in 2001, the building now hosts a shopping centre and this gorgeous hotel, right in the center of town.
Take a look at these beautiful photos –