Into the beautiful

The end of summer always reminds me of a beautiful poem penned by the American poet, Emily Dickinson.  Born in Amherst, Massachusetts, she died there in 1886.  I felt the need for a poetry break this morning.  My favourite French poet is Charles Baudelaire.  At some point I’ll post a favourite poem of his, translated into English.  In the meantime, here’s Ms. Dickinson –

As imperceptibly as grief  
The summer lapsed away,  
Too imperceptible, at last,  
To seem like perfidy.  
A quietness distilled,  
As twilight long begun,  
Or Nature, spending with herself  
Sequestered afternoon.  
The dusk drew earlier in,  
The morning foreign shone,—  
A courteous, yet harrowing grace,  
As guest who would be gone.  
And thus, without a wing,  
Or service of a keel,  
Our summer made her light escape  
Into the beautiful.  


(sigh….a moment of grace in this cold brutish world).  We need more poetry breaks, don’t you agree?