cooking classes and culinary schools in Paris

When I was a teenager, I wanted to be a saucier.

“A what?” people would say.

“A saucier,” I’d reply (saucily), “Someone who makes sauces.”

But in fact, it’s not only sauces. A saucier also prepares stocks, soups and stews and hot hors d’oeuvres such as grilled scallops, baked puff pastry, stuffed mushrooms or miniature beef wellingtons, to name a few.

In the end I never did become a saucier, at least not a professional one, but it’s never too late to learn. Just sign up for a course or two at a culinary school (or enroll in a longer-term certificate course.) What’s fun for a tourist to Paris is to attend a morning or afternoon workshop in a famous cooking school – like the Cordon Bleu or Alain Ducasse – to make macarons, your own baguette, meat and fish dishes, or participate in wine tastings. In most schools, classes are in English. There are even classes for children.

kids cooking


Yum … you can learn to make these!

Here’s the link to the Alain Ducasse Cooking School in English. Other links are below.

bon appétit !


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