the winter of French discontent, nationwide strike starts December 5th

The French are discontented. So, what else is new?

Tens of thousands of public service workers with the RATP (Paris transportation network) and SNCF (French national railway) will be striking against President Macron’s proposed reforms to pension benefits, which he says will “transform society” for the better and update a system some consider sclerotic and outdated.

Macron contends that this is necessary to balance France’s deficit and stimulate the economy; unions and other critics argue that these measures will “sacrifice a generation” of workers who have relied on the security of solid, no, let’s say ‘very generous’, pension benefits. Their concerns are shared by “yellow-vest” protestors who fear increasing precarity and decreased benefits as France aims to slash its deficit and stimulate the economy.

Beginning at 10 pm on Wednesday December 4th, but officially starting on Thursday December 5th, no one knows how long the strikes will last. Could be a few days, could be a few weeks. It is imperative that travelers to France stay informed of developments. Some predict the strikes could paralyze transportation until Christmas Day.

Unions have been warning of “zero metro and zero RER” service in Paris. Lines 1 and 14 of the Paris Metro, which are driverless and automated, are expected to run during the strike period. Buses and tramways operated by the RATP are also expected to be severely affected, with greatly reduced service during the strikes. In addition, “yellow vest” protestors have vowed to block traffic in Paris, potentially further disrupting road traffic.

Trains operated by the SNCF – from regional to national, high-speed TGV lines – may grind to a halt or near-halt as part of the action, and worry that it could lead to weeks of trains not operating at all should government fail to reach an agreement with workers.

Right now there is little concrete information on how badly Eurostar and Thalys trains between Paris, London, Amsterdam, Brussels and other international destinations will be affected by the strike.

Air France may also see workers strike, which may give travelers cause to avoid using the carrier in December.

Below are the latest OECD statistics showing the percentage of an average salary that retirees receive in eleven different countries around the world: Italy, Portugal, Spain, France, Denmark, Sweden, Greece, United States, Japan, Poland and Great Britain. After a full career, the French retirement pension represents 74% of one’s last salary; that’s less than in Spain, Portugal and Italy.

This chart below illustrates the average exit age from the labor market in these same countries. Up until 2010, the legal retirement age in France was 60 years old. Today it is 62. However, the French government is encouraging workers to stay longer in the workforce; and the French are balking at this idea. For me personally, where the average retirement age in Canada has been 65 for as long as I remember, I don’t see what all the fuss is about.


5 thoughts on “the winter of French discontent, nationwide strike starts December 5th

  1. Very interesting.. the graph shows that the French pension is still way above many other countries, and the age of retirement is alot below many other countrie… am with you in not knowing what the fuss is about…

    • Everyone I know in Canada (my homeland) and other countries work until 65 or longer. It’s always been like that. But here the people see themselves as “the French exception”. Why they should be an exception has always been a mystery to me. Now that President Macron is re-aligning pension rates and ages to those of other countries, what is the reaction of the French? Like spoiled petulant children, they go on strike!
      As I mentioned in my blog post, I’m lucky, I can walk to work. But many many people come from far away. The consequence is that people will take their cars to work: road congestion and air pollution levels will rise, and it will be general pandemonium.

      • Gosh that is so selfish… I have never heard of the French exception’ either.. poor Macron, I wonder how he will handle the next few years… I’ve always been a fan of his speeches at the UN… he comes across pragmatic and wise… its not easy trying to make the right decisions!!

  2. Really interesting perspective, especially because it comes from someone who has experiences of another country as well. Keep this up, I’d love to read updates about the issue! Greetings from Greece!

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