My London – Borough Market

LONDON.  An undeniably world-class city of 7 million inhabitants.  Pulsating with energy. Dynamic and thrillingly diverse.  Inclusive of all cultures and nationalities. Constantly redefining itself while holding firm to its history and heritage.  In comparison, Paris seems so….small.

Where to begin? I took over 300 photographs and walked 8 hours a day. So much to see, so much to do! I’ll start with one of my favorite places: Borough Market located under the London Bridge. As I strode across the bridge in the brisk morning air, sunshine and wind in my face and the river traffic coursing by, I felt utterly exhilarated. London does that to you. Take the District & Circle tube line to Monument.  Stride across bridge.  The market is beside Southwark Cathedral.

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Old. Atmospheric. A setting and cast of characters straight out of a Dickens’ novel. Borough Market is one of London’s oldest food markets and sprawls under the brick railway viaducts. It’s a fabulous place.

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Here’s a famous cheese shop (Neal’s Yard Dairy) that sells a stunning array of British and Irish cheeses. And guess what? The vendor was a Frenchman!  I said to him in French – How is it that a Frenchman is selling English cheeses in London?  “J’ai épousé une anglaise !” he replied. (I married an Englishwoman).

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MONMOUTH COFFEE SHOP. I have only one word to describe this place and its coffee and cakes: bliss.  Look how polite the English are as they queue up.  In France you’d be elbowed and stepped on in a scrum.

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Borough Market consists of up to 70 stalls and stands. Producers from all over the country bring a range of fresh produce to the market, including fish, meats, vegetables, ciders, cheeses, breads, coffees, cakes and patisseries. Other stalls specialize in produce imported from abroad. Open Wednesday to Saturday.  Pubs and restaurants too.


8 thoughts on “My London – Borough Market

  1. OMG! I never knew about it. You are Dickens. Your pictures (as usual) are wonderful..
    sounds prosaic, I know. But, I never see photos like yours anywhere…feel I am walking along with you. So glad you haf an exhilarating morning! This also leave Harrods in the dust, IMHO. Last time I was in London, we felt crowded and dang! we should have ventured further afield away from the center — touristy center. So looking for ‘Lots More To Come’ You are so sweet to write this!

    • And you are so sweet to write your comment! I do tend to go off the beaten track when I visit London. But then, I’ve been going to London for most of my life and have done and seen the usual stuff. Despite Harrods being touristy, I must admit that its Food Hall is pretty amazing. Thanks for your input!

    • Oh, hi Jacqui. Glad to hear from you. Oh, I don’t know. North America’s a marvellous place to visit too! In fact, London’s a lot like New York City. Same energy, diversity and talent.

    • North America has a lot to offer .. you just have to know where to look! As J does, get
      off the beaten track. We just got back from Portland, Oregon and environs: Mt. Hood
      and Mr. Rainier, The Columbia River Gorge with magnificent waterfalls .. you can hike
      to the top. Europe is expensive now they are on the hated (to me, anyway) Euro!

      • I know, it must be tough visiting Europe with the euro being so high. I hope to visit the States next year, haven’t been in a decade! I’ve never been to Oregon, would love to go, but southern California and New Mexico (and NYC) are on my list. I loved Santa Fe and Taos.

  2. Oh Geesh! I hate to be the one to tell you that Taos has changed. Two things: The
    Native Americans who have a Pueblo there have build a CASINO! Yes! Right there
    in Taos. Also, Julia Roberts has a home there .. putting it more on the map! The
    back roads are still beautiful, tho..but, I feel ‘commercialized’ when visiting. Santa
    Fe has terrible traffic issues because like every where else on the planet the car
    is allowed to intrude. When you visit, do your homework and try to avoid the
    unpleasantness. We always find a great place to dine in Taos, and then on our next
    visit they are out of business!! Poor souls.

    Give Portland, Oregon a good look. It has (like Paris) outdoor cafes, a beauty-
    ful waterfront with 13 bridges .. all different .. most build in the 30s, so so much
    character. A company called McManamins has ‘repurposed’ old warehouses,
    schools, etc. and has done some nice things. We stayed at The White Eagle
    (Queen bath down hall) for $65 a night. It has a great light rail system!! It is
    young and vibrant with Japanese Gardens, etc., and then a short drive to
    The Columbia. River Gorge. Only 3 hours to Seattle and great seafood
    eateries. They say it rains there, end of May we had one day out of 10
    where it rained, and we still loved being out in it.

    Yes, love NYC. My tips for a trip there if you like?

  3. My very first stop when I arrived in London was Borough market — food shopping with the friends I am staying with. It’s fantastic!

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