abundant Sunday

As I sat in my apartment feverishly working on my chapters (I’m writing a memoir), the sunshine cajoled and beckoned me outdoors.  “Viens, Juju…” it said, “Come outside and play!”  So out I went.

Neuilly Sunday 4 May 2014 055Neuilly Sunday 4 May 2014 058

Under a perfect blue sky, I walked to my local Sunday morning market. The forecast for today and tomorrow is 17°C, slight cool breeze and abundant sunshine.

I am truly grateful – and sometimes ashamed – of the abundance in our lives.  Knowing that others do not have enough.

Neuilly Sunday 4 May 2014 017Neuilly Sunday 4 May 2014 038Neuilly Sunday 4 May 2014 026

The word that comes to mind when I look at all this produce is surfeit (excess, oversupply).  In theory, prices should fall because of this superabundance, but I find outdoor markets (this one in particular) expensive.  What do they do with the stuff they don’t sell?

Neuilly Sunday 4 May 2014 028Neuilly Sunday 4 May 2014 029Neuilly Sunday 4 May 2014 006These mangos are outstanding.  Called “peach of the tropics”, they come from Senegal, the Ivory Coast, South Africa and Brazil depending on the season.Neuilly Sunday 4 May 2014 020Neuilly Sunday 4 May 2014 030In the winter, strawberries come to us from southern Spain and Morocco.Neuilly Sunday 4 May 2014 023Gorgeous fresh shrimp, or prawns, from Madagascar.Neuilly Sunday 4 May 2014 048Neuilly Sunday 4 May 2014 024Neuilly Sunday 4 May 2014 027

6 thoughts on “abundant Sunday

  1. Beautiful shopping for you. For me, not quite the same. We stepped off our train from Lyon this afternoon, and were in our apartment in the 6th not too much later. My shopping experience was not quite as fruitful as yours. While my wife unpacked, I went out with my sack in hand,only to find, as I feared, groceries stores and markets were closed.i strolled the familiar streets, looking for stores I knew, only to find nothing. Finally, walking through the bustling Rue de Seine, I saw a Thai Traiteur. Unlikely as it might seem, I walked in and asked if there was any milk for sale. Surprise! I bought a liter for three Euros, a steep price, but a good example of supply and demand Capitalism at work. A Paul was across on Rue Buci, where I was able to at least come way with a bit of pastry and a small baguette. Coffee, cereal,butter,paper goods and other ingredients for morning breakfasts ahead will have to wait until my local CarreFour opens.

    Now, here is the best part of the story. As I left our apartment and turned onto rue Vaugirard, a woman stopped and asked if I could point her to the Luxembourg Gardens. Oh, it is so nice to be home again!

  2. So you have two homes, then: Chicago and Paris. Not bad. Several large stores are closed Sunday afternoons but open Sunday mornings, as you’ve discovered. Don’t you have any Tunisian or Moroccan convenience stores in your neighbourhood? They’re open 7/7 till late at night.

    Isn’t the weather gorgeous? Enjoy, because according to the weather forecast, it’s going to rain on Tuesday. Très bon séjour à Paris, Sherman ! If you need any info, don’t hesitate to contact me.



    • Oh, hi Jacqui. Yes, I hear it’s still wintry in Toronto. Today was another gorgeous day here, but it’s forecast to rain tomorrow. Thanks for reading! Hope you are well.

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