22°C on Sunday March 9th

I headed over to my favourite park this afternoon to enjoy the warm weather.  22°C.  It was like a May day.  Sometimes the Parc Monceau can be near-empty on a Sunday.  I was looking forward to sitting on a bench or on the grassy lawn to quietly commune with nature and work on my book project but when I arrived, my jaw dropped with stupefaction.  Here’s what I saw –

Paris, Sunday March 9, 2014 002Paris, Sunday March 9, 2014 003What??  Who were these swarms of people invading my park?  Flabbergasted, I waded through the mass of squirming bodies.Paris, Sunday March 9, 2014 023Paris, Sunday March 9, 2014 027Paris, Sunday March 9, 2014 025As you can see, the majority of Parisians have neither backyard, scrap of garden or balcony.  At the first sign of nice weather they flood into the public parks, myself included.Paris, Sunday March 9, 2014 015I decided to leave and walk instead.  Au revoir, park. A la prochaine !Paris, Sunday March 9, 2014 013

1 thought on “22°C on Sunday March 9th

  1. It is freezing cold as usual in Toronto. Just so happy that somewhere on earth, where it could be cold.. it is wonderfully warm and there are folks enjoying the grass, and communing.
    Putting on the boots, woolen scarf, big coat et al to walk the dog, here in TO.

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