a Sunday afternoon in Belgium

I wanted to walk in a forest, my friend wanted to return to a favorite restaurant in Brussels and his kids wanted to eat Belgian chocolate, so we drove northwards into France’s neighboring country. Lille is located only ten miles from the French-Belgian border.

Into the woods

I was a little disappointed because there were no autumn colors. I described the vibrant reds, yellows, oranges and russet browns of an autumnal Canadian forest to my companions, but unless you’re actually there I guess it’s hard to imagine. I miss the majestic maple trees with their large lobed leaves and crimson red hue. 🍁

After our walk, we drove north to Brussels and had a meal in a Lebanese restaurant before heading to the main square of the city called the Grand-Place. A UNESCO World Heritage Site, The Grand-Place is the central square of the city of Brussels. It is surrounded by opulent Baroque guildhalls of the former Guilds of Brussels and two larger edifices; the flamboyant Town Hall and the neo-Gothic King’s House. Construction of the Grand-Place began in the 11th century and was largely complete by the 17th century.

No visit to Belgium is complete without buying chocolate, there are chocolate shops on every street corner, some quite opulent. In 2021, the country exported over 2.5 billion dollars worth of chocolate worldwide. Yes, it’s that good! (and reasonably priced)

The take-out hot chocolate was delicious. We drank it in the car driving back to Lille. If you’re interested in reading more blog posts about Brussels and other Belgian cities I’ve visited in the past, click on BELGIUM up top.

2 thoughts on “a Sunday afternoon in Belgium

  1. Oh, Juliet – this sounds/looks idyllic. My friend Carol and I (you met her in London) spent a few days in Brussels. We had beer at a different outdoor bar (this was July) in the plaza every night. Did you see it at night? The buildings all get lit up – gorgeous.

    I’ve finally started walking again. There’s a wooded area nearby that I just love. Today it’s raining (finally!!!), so I won’t be going. Tomorrow a friend is coming to visit, and I’ll take her there. It feels so good to finally have some energy! Had my blood work done yesterday, and my WBC is finally within the normal range – first time in years! I hope it stays there!

    I’m going to see my sister for a week in early December – my first trip since the pandemic started. She moved in June, so I’m anxious to see where she lives. The hardest part is that my cat and I are joined at the hip, and it will be hard to leave her. I’ve had her for 2 1/2 years, and we’ve only spent 3 nights apart (when I was in the hospital). I have a wonderful neighbor who will look after her and feed her – but I know she’s going to be confused!

    Enough rambling for now. My steel cut oats with fresh berries and Greek yogurt are getting cold!

    Ciao! >

    • Yes, I remember Carol. No, I didn’t see the square at night. I’m thinking of returning at Christmas.
      That’s great that you’ve started a walking routine. I guess you wouldn’t entertain the idea of having a dog (a good reason to go on walks.) Do you walk alone in that wooded area?
      That is indeed excellent news re your WBC, something to celebrate!
      Don’t worry about the cat. Enjoy your trip to see your sister. Will you see your nephew?
      Enjoy your oatmeal.
      Good to hear from you.

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