Jonathan Pie in the Sky – a video rant

I was waiting for this to appear on YouTube because I’m aware that many of you don’t subscribe to The New York Times in whose digital pages these rants appear. Well, here’s a new one which covers Britain’s brand new Prime Minister (Bojo was booted out of 10 Downing Street by his own party members) and the current state of affairs in that nation. A deep and dirty winter of discontent lies in wait for Britons.

If you missed it, here’s another excellent rant. He could also be talking about Trump and the Republican party –


2 thoughts on “Jonathan Pie in the Sky – a video rant

  1. Thank you. Here’s an article in today’s Guardian that you might find interesting:

    Looking at the state of Britain from the US, for once I feel very glad to be here
    Emma Brockes

    • Good article!
      I especially liked “Truss in a swivel-eyed officiousness untethered to any idea beyond her own survival.”

      But I blame the Brits themselves, at least the majority of them who did two stupid things: voted for Brexit, and voted for Boris Johnson. Many of them today regret doing both. What the UK needs now is a strong and credible opposition party that will trounce that heartless Conservative Party and smash them to smithereens in the next general elections.

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