bye-bye, Bojo!

And two-thirds of the population of Great Britain (myself included, here in France) heave a gigantic sigh of relief.

In the end, it was Boris Johnson who brought himself down. That’s what a journalist said on BBC television and I thought it was apt.

Too many lies, moral crimes and misdemeanours to mention. Brexit was all a lie. Bojo never believed in Brexit, but he pushed it, or rather, surfed it to become Prime Minister. Just as Trump ran and won on the slogan, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, Bojo did the same with his own facile slogan: GET BREXIT DONE to facilitate the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union.

British radio presenter, James O’Brien, has summed it up best. Have a listen. Gosh, he could almost be talking about Donald Trump and the Republican Party!

Democracy and decency are twins, he says. Nodding dogs and political pygmies, he calls Bojo’s enablers.

2 thoughts on “bye-bye, Bojo!

    • It’s wonderful to see the two of them, Trump and Bojo, cast out with an uncertain future and scorned. (I can visualize a wonderful Shakespearian quote for this moment.) Unlike Trump, Bojo is not rich. There was an article somewhere mentioning that he might not even have a home to retire to with his 4th wife and umpteenth kid. (He does have a house in a posh London district, but he rented it out.)

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