cherry blintzes with sparkling wine

After purchasing a bag of frozen cherries at Picard, I then went to my local Marks & Spencer (soon to close because of Brexit) and bought some cottage cheese. Of course I’m furious. Marks & Spencer is a part of my childhood and the rest of my growing up years. Talk about comfort food.

Marks & Spencer is closing 11 of its French stores because of problems supplying them with fresh and chilled foods since Brexit. “Supply chain complexities following the UK’s exit from the European Union now make it near impossible for us to serve fresh and chilled products to customers to the high standards they expect, resulting in an ongoing impact to the performance of our business.”

The less said about Brexit here the better.

So in honor of a visiting friend yesterday, I purchased a bottle of crémant (sparkling wine) and made cherry blintzes.

I had the idea of putting the cherry juice into the wine. You could also use kirsch. Many blintz recipes call for cream or ricotta cheese, but I like cottage cheese.

A dollop of sour cream, yogurt or crème fraîche would’ve been nice, but I didn’t have any.

4 thoughts on “cherry blintzes with sparkling wine

    • It tasted very nice, Susasusa, especially because I didn’t put much sugar into the making of it. The cherries were tart and delicious.

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