During the summer holidays, a traditional funfair is set up in the Tuileries Gardens. Children and adults, tourists and Parisians all enjoy the 60 or so attractions: bumper cars, ghost trains, shooting gallery, hall of mirrors, 1900s wooden horses merry-go-round.
I didn’t see any wooden horses, but there’s the big ferris wheel, called La Grande Roue, and lots of other rides. We go at night because it’s all lit up, more fun, and I like to take night photos.
Late at night the rue de Rivoli becomes a route for cyclists, scooters and skateboards.

Do Parisians still gather in the thousands to roller skate through the city? Witnessed such an evening event with police and medics on roller skates to assist in the crowd.
Yes, CB. The event is called Pari Roller and it occurs every Friday night starting at 9:30 pm in front of Montparnasse train station.