Macron slapped, Melenchon floured

The man who had the audacity to slap President Macron across the face last week was given a four-month prison sentence. Not enough, most people say. The prosecutors had asked for eighteen months. 28 years old and unemployed, he is close to the Gilets jaunes movement and harbors ultra-right political convictions.

There’s an old tradition in France to “flour” politicians. What does this mean? The act of covering someone with white flour sends the message “se faire rouler dans la farine” (to get rolled in flour). That’s the literal translation, but the real meaning is to dupe or lie to people. This is how many French citizens feel towards their politicians. The expression comes from the 19th century when actors used flour as makeup and would dupe people with their identities.

Oddly enough, no one seems to protest this strange French practice, including the target himself. We watch it on TV and everyone chuckles (myself included). Even the perpetrator below (wearing sunglasses) had his moment in the sun when reporters gathered round with microphones to ask what compelled him to buy a bag of white flour and throw it onto Jean-Luc Mélenchon (leader of a left-wing political party called La France Insoumise). Video below. Further below is another video showing other politicians getting floured in the past and worse – receiving cream pies in their face. Ha! Ha! Just had a thought … imagine a big creamy pie going into the face of Donald Trump (or Boris Johnson). Now that would be poetic justice.

President Sarkozy gets a pie in the face, as do others.


4 thoughts on “Macron slapped, Melenchon floured

  1. Too funny. Reminds me of an Arab spectator letting President Bush know what he thought of him by hurling his shoe towards his head.

    • Right. But of course Bush was too dumb to realize the significance of shoes and that showing the soles of shoes or throwing them is a big insult. Bush just laughed.

  2. I wish to be the first to purchase your Book!
    You have a special gift and I always look forward to reading your prospective of humanity. It’s summer and on Mount Desert Island but wishing to be in Provence for the Fall.

    • James, I’m touched by your message. Thanks for the compliment. As soon as the book is done, this summer I’m sure, I’ll of course announce it on my blog. Right now I’m finishing the Epilogue and also trying to find a good book cover designer. I’d rather be on Mount Desert Island than Provence. But the grass is always greener ….
      Have a lovely summer.

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