lockdown rock

We’re in lockdown here, everything shuts up tight at 6 pm and we’re told not to socialize. So what’s a girl to do other than drink wine and listen to rock music? No, seriously, I work all day at the office then sit at home with a glass of wine or a beer and listen to music, mainly rock, on YouTube.

From my memoir –

I remember the first time I heard Led Zeppelin’s Whole Lotta Love. It was in Lynda Scott’s basement, her parents were away and there was a Saturday night party. Someone put the album on the stereo, and the sound that blasted from the speakers electrified me. I had never heard anything like it. It was raw yet refined, sprawling yet tight, earthy yet mystical; decadent, dangerous and utterly thrilling. It was a journey to an exalted sphere, a musical ride to a place we’d never been, and all throughout the lead singer was telling us we needed love (every inch of it) and he was gonna give it to us. I was thirteen years old.

The expansive stylistic range of Led Zeppelin, Canada’s egalitarian ethos, feminism and the rebellious 1970s became my creed, my gospel to which I adhere to this day.


Hear this soundtrack of Since I’ve Been Loving You. Over 11 million hits. (best listened to with high-quality headphones)

(224) Since I’ve Been Loving You (Remaster) – YouTube

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