9 thoughts on “Christmas Eve in Paris (with the kids)

  1. Charming, especially the Nutella crepes….I can see why you are so close to your nephew..BTW, where is the colonnaded promonade?

    • My godson. The colonnades are on the rue de Rivoli with the Tuileries Gardens on the other side (metro Concorde or Tuileries) just down from W.H. Smith bookstore. Somewhere there also is Angelina tea salon and Galignani bookstore. But all closed because of COVID! Let’s turn our backs now on 2020, Sherman, and usher in a brighter new year and era. I look forward to meeting you and your wife here in Paris!

      • I recognized it, but could not place it…my first thought was The Mabillion where the Apple Store is in the 6th, south of Boulevard Saint Germain. But, I knew that was not your usual area. We also are hoping for our return to Paris, and when that time comes, we most certainly will finally meet.

  2. Magnifique ! Vos photos sont époustouflantes. Merci, Juliet in Paris.

    “Le monde appartient aux optimistes, les pessimistes ne sont que des spectateurs.” (François Guizot)

    • C’est moi qui vous remercie, Nicolas. Votre commentaire me touche droit au coeur.

      Je vous souhaite une très bonne fin d’année. (je voulais dire ‘une excellente fin d’année’ mais vu les circonstances …)

  3. What an adorable little boy and such beautiful photographs! Thanks for sharing with us. How lucky they are to have an auntie who lives in Paris. We’d love to be there right now.

    Best wishes, health and happiness for an abundant 2021, Juliet!

    • Thanks so much, PC. Yes, I hope they realize how lucky they are … I think they do. Thanks for your good wishes, I wish you and your hubby the same. Hope you can make it to Paris next year.

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