a disillusioned Bruce

Poor Bruce. I love his sincerity, and I really feel for him. Take a look:

5 thoughts on “a disillusioned Bruce

  1. As a healthcare professional, I know first hand that the total lack of planning Trump & his Adm. cost American lives including First Responders & Medical Workers. Even now 8 months into the pandemic We Do NOT have adequate PPE & N95 😷masks – Trump never used the Defense Production Act to produce masks in US & in fact refused US Company Prestige Ameritech offer to ramp up production- Trump left each State to seek PPE & Masks – no adequate Federal response. (Left is to scramble to buy from China no less) Trump still encourages at events no COVID Protocol -No Social Distance & Masking up & mocks those who do. He has blood on his hands among other travesties. Never voted for him; Never will. Everyone in NY knew he was a con man & his con has stripped our Democracy. This video was far too nice by my estimation.

    • Elle: there’s a saying for writers which is “PUT YOUR RAGE ON THE PAGE”. Well, American voters can put their rage in the ballot box. You’re right, Bruce was pretty soft on Trump, but his distress is palpable. Thanks for commenting, and GOOD LUCK in November!

  2. Trump said the virus affected no one.. I agree w comment that said this video was too nice! Indeed one felt his distress…. I do think however that I want to bury my head in November and try to not read anything until weeks after its all over because the tension is building! The man is going to cheat to get his way 😭

    • Bruce in the video is just one of many Republicans who will be voting Democrat this November. An encouraging sign, don’t you think? There are many of them.

      • You’re right Juliet. It is an encouraging sign. I think the 2016 PTSD has scarred me from hope but it’s a feeling that doesn’t serve anything good to the world. I hope project pray and visualise for the best for the USA in November, and that it will be positive thing for the rest of the world.

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