Quintessence house tours in France, London and all over

This is what I do to relax, usually on Sunday afternoons, usually with a glass of chilled rosé and a salad. This is what I’m doing right now, as a matter of fact. I think I’ve mentioned previously that I’m kind of hooked on YouTube. I enjoy watching these house tours, some in the city, some in the country.

This morning I walked to my local market and bought a beautiful head of lettuce, some ripe tomatoes and a bunch of other produce. At home I whizzed up an anchovy-garlic-honey mustard-cider vinegar-olive oil vinaigrette in my mixer. Then I threw together a simple lettuce tomato salad and poured myself a glass of chilled rosé. The weather is perfection at the moment: cool and sunny.

The definition of Quintessence is “the most perfect or typical example of quality or class.” (I looked it up.) I find these house tours super interesting. With her natural curiosity and questions, Susanna brings freshness and candor to the table. Here are two in London and in Paris, but if you look on YouTube – and if you like this sort of thing – there are lots more in the USA and elsewhere.



2 thoughts on “Quintessence house tours in France, London and all over

  1. Yes, Juliet I too love Quintessence. I have watched much more youtube than my subscription services..Have a great week.

    • Hi Heidi, it’s always fascinating to see how other people live. Well, people with style and panache, that is. 🙂
      Have a great August!

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