pesto presto, a simple summertime salad, and chilled rosé

I was about to dig into this salad an hour ago when I said “Dang! That’s one beautiful looking plate …” and I photographed it before eating.

It’s important to use quality ingredients: the best olive oil, the best mozza, the best summer tomatoes, sea salt, etc. This salad takes only 5 minutes to make.

Fresh basil is in abundance during the summer. I buy a plant because it lasts longer and I can pick off the leaves when I need them. Rinse them, pat them dry on paper towels and just tear them and throw onto the salad.

So what to do with fresh basil? Why, make pesto, of course! This too takes only 5 minutes. You need a small food chopper or a mortar and pestle. Here’s my Moulinex hachoir that I use all the time, it cost me 45 euros.

I didn’t make enough, I should have doubled or tripled this. What’s great about making your own is you can make it extra garlicky, use parmesan or pecorino (or both) and walnuts instead of pine nuts. I’ve never been a fan of pine nuts.

Here’s what I had for dinner yesterday; simple and tasty on a summery Saturday night. I sprinkled on more grated parmesan cheese. If you can, buy a chunk of real parmesan or pecorino and hand grate it.

Dang, that wine was good. Wines from the Loire Valley are my favorite.

For the pesto recipe, click on this link below called ‘Two Pesto Variations’ that I posted in May 2018. Bon appétit !

5 thoughts on “pesto presto, a simple summertime salad, and chilled rosé

  1. Wish you could come and be my personal chef! The pay is low – and of course the country is in a mess, but we could work something out!

    • It sounds tempting. I need a change of everything right now. Haven’t been out your way for a long while. 2021? Would love to see New Mexico again (and Palm Springs).

  2. That looks sooo good! I love how its simple but definitely delicious. Basil is my favourite herb… the smell alone makes me so happy

    • 2 pm on Tuesday and I’ve just finished eating another plate of the same thing! It seems to be all I’m eating at the moment. I added avocado this time, but you can add whatever you want: tuna, meat, olives, other veggies, etc.

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