“I do not wish Boris Johnson to die. I only wish him to suffer.”

This article, which eviscerates the right-wing politics of the British Conservative Party, is so brilliant that I had to post it here and now. Read it and applaud, then send it on to others. It should resonate too with American readers, just replace Boris Johnson with Donald Trump.

The Last Refuge of a Scoundrel: Coronavirus and the British Establishment


8 thoughts on ““I do not wish Boris Johnson to die. I only wish him to suffer.”

    • Thanks for commenting, Beth. It’s clear, we cannot go back to “business as usual” when this pandemic ends. Major changes, for the betterment of ALL and not just the privileged few, have to occur. By the way, I think Justin Trudeau is doing a fine job, don’t you?

      • Yes. I got a lot of flack for that piece – alot of people only read the (admitedly rather controversial) headline/first line about wanting him to suffer. So it is nice when someone engages with the piece positively. Thanks again. It was much appreciated.

      • Of course you’d get flack for being so truthful. I dislike the Conservative Party, I’m afraid. I find it cruel. I dislike Boris Johnson, Theresa May and that dreadful Priti Patel woman. The Windrush scandal was, well, scandalous. All those broken lives … and for what?? And those drastic austerity cuts so artfully portrayed in that Ken Loach film. And then Brexit, for heaven’s sake, which has caused me, personally, huge upheaval, not to mention hundreds of thousands of others. And, again, for what?? What was so awful about being a member of the EU??
        Notice how there’s absolutely no word of BREXIT during the COVID crisis…ha! Please write a new article on that very topic. They’ve all scurried back under their rocks.

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