Saturday night, extended lockdown, red pepper dip

So the national lockdown has been prolonged to April 15, and will no doubt be extended again after that. We’re in this for the long haul, folks. Things are getting worse, not better. And know this: what you read about in Europe is coming your way in North America. We’re your future.

The good news is (a) I made a delicious Middle Eastern walnut and roasted red pepper dip this evening, and (b) we turn the clocks forward tonight which means we lose one hour in this never-ending hellscape.

dip use this

The recipe is below. I suggest adding lots of garlic because raw garlic boosts your immune system. I ate it with my own pita bread, because I make my own flatbread, naan and pizza now.

Since Wednesday, the lockdown rules have tightened in France. Now, we can only go outside once a day and for one hour only if it’s for physical exercise. So what the heck are Parisians doing while confined to their small apartments? Don’t forget, we don’t have houses, backyards and gardens here. Well, personally, I’m never bored. As long as I have my creature comforts at hand – books, DVDs, coffee, radio, telephone, the internet of course, booze, the right foods, cooking utensils and my mohair throw from Zara Home – I’m happy. The best part is the uninterrupted time I can now spend on my book project. My memoir will be done and dusted soon, folks.

I guess it’s all about scaling down now, and doing without certain things that maybe weren’t necessary in the first place.

For those of you who like reading, writers and books, here’s one of my favorite websites that I read daily. It’s truly excellent, and chock-a-block full of literary news:

Literary Hub Home

Muhammara (Roasted Red Pepper Dip)

4 thoughts on “Saturday night, extended lockdown, red pepper dip

    • Ha! Ha! Oh, how I’d like so much to come to your house and deliver home-cooked food and LOTS OF LOVE! Get better, Lori. Be well and speak soon.

  1. Hi Juliet, I keep reading with interest even if I do not respond to every post. Keep ’em coming…in re the 23 hour lockdown…my prediction…a spike in birth rates over the coming year…that’ll keep people busy….:-)


    • That’s funny about the birth rates. I’m afraid though that there won’t be a spike in COVID casualties for quite awhile. This thing won’t flatten out for weeks and weeks. I hope you and your wife are well and self-isolating at home. You mustn’t go outside nor socialize. Take care.

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