leafy London, heatwave

Arriving in London from Paris, the visitor will notice how leafy and verdant the city is. Bloomsbury is my favorite district, a leafy enclave in the middle of the city and only a 20-minute walk from St. Pancras train station. For the first four days, from Saturday to the following Tuesday, there was an unexpected heatwave.

On the Sunday I met my childhood friends, Kathy and Claire (and Claire’s husband), at The Foundling Museum, the UK’s first children’s charity and London’s first home for abandoned children established in 1739.

Afterwards, we headed to Lamb’s Conduit Street, in the heart of Bloomsbury, to a pub called The Lamb.

Lamb’s Conduit Street – Such a lovely, leafy street lined with interesting shops and eating and drinking places. Just a few streets over, at 48 Doughty Street, is the Charles Dickens museum. Worth a visit. Just down from Charles Dicken’s house, at 11A Northington Street, is a posh pub called The Lady Ottoline. The upstairs restaurant serves modern British cuisine.

Later, on that warm late-summer Sunday evening, me and my camera wandered the streets of Bloomsbury near my lodgings.

See these iron stumps on the wall? They were once wrought iron railings, but during World War II they were cut down to help the war effort (recycled iron for munitions.) All over Britain the stumps of removed railings can still be seen.
View from my bedroom window.

3 thoughts on “leafy London, heatwave

    • It was brilliant, and I regretted having to leave. I don’t have the same relationship with Paris as I do with London.

      • Ahh.. it’s funny but I adore Paris… maybe familiary breeds contempt… I haven’t lived in Paris but lived in London for almost a decade and don’t feel that much affection for it as I feel towards Paris…

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