beautiful music

Baroque music Marais 26 mars 2014 023

What better place to listen to 17th century music than in a 17th century church. 

The other night a friend and I went to the Church of Notre-Dame-des-Blancs-Manteaux in the Marais to listen to a concert organized by the Venetian Centre for Baroque Music.

I love baroque music. And I love old churches. To combine the two was sheer delight. And the old church (built between 1685-1690) – full of atmosphere and lit only by candles – was an acoustic marvel.

Baroque music Marais 26 mars 2014 014Baroque music Marais 26 mars 2014 010Baroque music Marais 26 mars 2014 018Baroque music Marais 26 mars 2014 022

I tried to videotape a segment of the concert, but there was not enough light. Fortunately I found the same group of soloists on Youtube so that you too can listen to this sumptuous soothing music. Marc-Antoine Charpentier is the name of the 17th-century composer whose concerto they are singing. Enjoy.

Ensemble Correspondances, choir and orchestra – Sébastien Daucé, harpsichord, organ & direction

4 thoughts on “beautiful music

  1. Oh Juliet, I loved reading this. And is that Rue Aubriot in the photograph of two people walking? That could have been John and me a few years ago, walking back to our flat, and one of the pleasures of spending time in that little area was the Church of Notre-Dame-des-Blancs-Manteaux pretty much at the end of the street…

    • Hi Theresa, Yes, that is indeed rue Aubriot leading away from (or heading towards) the church. It’s true that the Marais district is chock-a-block with interesting sites, shops and schools, etc., not to mention historical stories, not all of them good.

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