a belated birthday dinner (in Paris) and New Year’s greetings


We’re both Capricorns on the cusp of Sagittarius. We’ve both been living and working in Paris for a long time. Saturday night we went out for dinner to celebrate our respective birthdays (we were born on the same day, not the same year.) I had been to this restaurant once before. It’s called Le 6 Paul Bert, sister restaurant to the Bistrot Paul Bert up the road. I recommend them both.


But first a glass of Krug at A’s apartment, then a quick walk to the restaurant with A’s friend who joined us.


I had smoked eel with kale as a starter. 14 euros.


Followed by venison and celeriac purée with an apple slice. 32 euros.


A’s friend ordered the pithiviers de pigeon below. Pithiviers is a town in the Loire region whose specialty is savory (meat) or sweet (almond paste) wrapped in puff pastry and baked.


For dessert I had a bergamot-flavored lemon tart with meringue. 9 euros.


Portions are small in this restaurant, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing.


Perusing the extensive wine list (below). This restaurant has an excellent wine cellar. When I last ate there, on December 31st a few years ago, I drank a stellar Saint-Joseph 2012 (Côtes-du-Rhône). This time we drank a young wine from the Loire.


Tonight is New Year’s Eve and, by choice, I’m spending it quietly at home. I hope to be in bed and asleep before midnight. I have no desire to mingle with the gilets jaunes and the 300,000 tourists and revellers expected on the Champs Élysées tonight. I left the office today at 4:30 pm, picked up some food and drink at Marks & Spencer – a slim bottle of pink port, blinis and tarama, wholemeal bread and Devon coffee cream for my breakfast tomorrow morning. In another store I purchased three DVDs, one of which I’ll watch tonight: Phantom Thread with Daniel Day Lewis; The Bad and the Beautiful (1952) with Lana Turner, Kirk Douglas and Gloria Grahame; and the original Mildred Pierce (1945) with Joan Crawford.

Thank you for reading my blog. My biggest readership audience is in the U.S.A., followed by France, Canada and Great Britain, other European countries, and Australia.

I wish you all happiness, good fortune and good health in the year to come.

10 thoughts on “a belated birthday dinner (in Paris) and New Year’s greetings

    • Oh, but you’ve got those lovely Sonoma wines and good food to go with them. Best wishes to you too, Lori. Come to Paris whenever you want … you can stay at my place.

  1. Greetings from your old hometown Toronto. Have enjoyed reading your blog for a few years now. You are are a pro at capturing an informative and candid viewpoint from where ever you happen to be.

    • Thanks for your kind comment, Nino. I hope that my viewpoint will sustain the length of a book (my memoir will be out in a few months; I’ll be posting it on this blog.) Best wishes for a fruitful New Year in Canada!

  2. That Krug looks good (yum!) We’ll try that bistro the next time we’re in Paris. Thanks for your entertaining blog posts and best wishes for a prosperous 2019.

  3. A lovely post. I wish you a belated happy birthday and a wonderful year to follow. The champagne looks so beautiful in that elegant glass!

    • The champagne was delicious indeed, I had never tasted Krug before. Thank you for your sincere wishes, Theresa. I wish you too a wonderful year ahead including continued creativity, inspiration, good health and happiness. Cheers.

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