fabulous London, Christmas 2018


I stayed in a fab hotel in the Marylebone district (link below). Here’s the very capable Ingrid who runs the place. She’s originally from Vilnius, Lithuania.


Every morning at the communal table, she’d serve me hot coffee and toasted crumpets for my breakfast.


In the winter, it gets dark at 4 pm. Near the hotel is a fabulous Turkish restaurant called Ishtar. I highly recommend it.


I wandered over to two fab shopping streets near the hotel, Chiltern Street first and then Marylebone High Street.


Strolling city streets on cold, clear nights has always been a great pleasure of mine. Below is the link to the hotel. More to come.

Tip: As long as you don’t take a room higher than the second floor, I recommend this hotel (as in most old houses, there’s no lift (elevator.)) The second floor is actually the third floor. 


7 thoughts on “fabulous London, Christmas 2018

  1. Love it…enjoy…I’m not London yet, but as I just emailed to a friend a few minutes ago..after arguing all day about Trump ( he is pro, I am not)…..”I am not at concert hall level, but the Theils are sounding full throated, my CD Changer (to hell with the single disk purists worried about jiggies) is loaded and I am spending the next few hours with two disks of MJQ, two of Haydn’s final six symphonies and a disk of the last of the Beethoven string quartets…oh, and the Dow was up more than a thousand Points today (largest single day move up ever, but still well below just a few weeks back)…oh, yes.. I enjoyed a couple of slices of whole grain bread slathered in peanut butter…😉🤡🍷❤️🍾🎉😇🍸🤪”

    • In London everyone argues about Brexit. How anyone can be pro-Trump is incomprehensible to me. The next time you find yourself in London, catch a classical music concert at Wigmore Hall (google it). It’s a great venue. In London I purchased a jar of organic peanut butter which I’ll have for my breakfast tomorrow morning. I’m back in Paris now. Back to work tomorrow. It’s very cold here, I love it. Take care.

  2. We like the noon hour concerts at St. Martin in the Fields….a welcome break after touring The National Gallery and/or the Portrait Gallery,,,both nearby.

    • Yes, I went there once a long time ago. As for the two galleries you mentioned, I’ve never been. I’ve been wanting to go for years, but you know how it is. So much to see and do … and so little time!

  3. My favourite piece of London… lived here back in the 90’s, which in hindsight was a very comforting time in the world…Daunts Bookstore sparked my imagination for everything!

    • OMG, I just looked at your blog and I LOVE it!! Your photos, your travels, your musings. It’s like a better version of myself! Thanks so much for following me. And now, I will follow you.

      • Awww you are so kind! I am equally enjoying reading yours – I love your affection for AOC – in the age of Trump, the many dynamic women coming into Congress is super awesome. Looking forward for your next musing!!

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