beautiful food

I have an immense admiration for food bloggers. Why? Because eating, preparing, imagining and just plain drooling over beautiful food is a favorite pastime of mine. And did I mention the photography? The artwork on some of these blogs is exquisite. Truly inspirational.

easter carrot cake

7 pm on a coolish Sunday evening. I’m sitting here drinking a glass of leftover champagne and listening to Miles Davis (Ascenseur pour l’échafaud) on the stereo. Back to work tomorrow. One thing’s for sure: weekends are too damn short! Luckily, Thursday November 1st is a national holiday here (All Saints’ Day, it’s a Catholic thing; a day to visit cemeteries and place flowers on the graves of deceased family members). So I have a 4-day weekend coming up because everyone will take off the Friday as well.

Maybe I’ll make this cake on that weekend; I think I’m invited to a gathering on the 3rd. It’s called Killer Cake.


choc cake two

killer cake with knife

Gosh, that knife looks ominous. Maybe this is a cake to die for … literally!

Here’s the blog, filled with beautiful recipes (and photos).

Here’s a list of best food and nutrition blogs –

And saving the best for last. I make these raw food energy balls often. I take them to work (they replace a pain au chocolat or a croissant). Eat with strong espresso in the morning. Yum!

4 thoughts on “beautiful food

  1. Miles Davis (Ascenseur pour l’échafaud) one of his best, and perhaps least known of great performances. However, I think of it more for rainy day listening….but, that’s just me and my moods…:-)

    • Holy Moly, Sherman, that’s the quickest reply I’ve ever received. I just posted my blog now, and within seconds you responded. That’s terrific! Thanks for reading and commenting.
      Yes, Ascenseur pour l’échafaud … have you seen the Louis Malle movie (black and white, 1958) starring Jeanne Moreau?
      I think you can view it on YouTube.

      • No, I have not seen it…thanks for the heads up on YouTube….I happened to be on the computer when your blog posted in my email….I have been ripping a large collection of CD Disks (I know, soooooo 20th Century……:-) ) onto a flash drive. I then can play them whenever I want in my car….again, behind the times in re that way to play music…or in my case musik…:-)

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