cool Canada

nova scotia beach

I rarely mention the merits of my home country on this blog, but The Guardian did such a fine job doing so I felt compelled to post the links here. Eastern Canada, called the Maritime provinces, is the Canadian equivalent of the New England states of Maine, New Hampshire and Rhode Island, but on a smaller scale. With the Canadian dollar trading lower than the American dollar and the Euro (as I write this 1 USD = 1.28904 CAD and 1 EUR = 1.52507 CAD), Canada is indisputably a great vacation destination.

Start with this fashion-lover’s guide of Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver then continue on to 12 knockout Nova Scotia tips, 10 best restaurants of Canada’s newest dining destination and lots more.

Enjoy my big, beautiful, hospitable country!


house nova scotia


6 thoughts on “cool Canada

    • Yup! I’m thinking the same thing. Grab a flight Paris to Montreal (such a great city, I know it well), then head eastwards. Sounds like a good plan.

    • And guess what, Jim? I don’t know Eastern Canada at all. I’ve never been east of Quebec. I’m looking forward to discovering this great region. (I hear the natives are real friendly.)

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