The Nixon of the North – How Stephen Harper ruined Canada

Speaking of Neocons and their New World Order agenda, (see my revised ‘Yearning to breathe free’ post), below is an excellently-written article by journalist, Heather Mallick, on why Canadians want to see the back of their P.M.

“The Last Neocon. Canada’s Prime Minister Stephen Harper has been a hawk since the days of W. His looming defeat could finally mean an end to one of the most controversial foreign-policy eras in recent history.”  Foreign Policy magazine

In two words, and because Harper is bilingual, the message from most Canadians is bon débarras !  Good riddance. 

extract from article –

Canada was once a smug nation. We thought ourselves virtuous, and the rest of the world took us at our own estimation, especially Americans who threatened to move here when a Bush president or two became particularly intolerable. And we would have welcomed you!

That was Canada for you: eager to meet kindred souls such as draft dodgers and conscientious objectors. We were peacekeepers rather than bomb droppers, environmentally aware, urban, gun controlling, laughably snowbound, and apologetic to a fault.

Now, I’m sorry to say, we can no longer invite you. I mean, we’d still like to, but you wouldn’t make it across the border. And normal, peaceful, thoughtful Americans wouldn’t enjoy it here anymore. We’re becoming precisely what you’re trying to escape.

3 thoughts on “The Nixon of the North – How Stephen Harper ruined Canada

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