a new publicity campaign with (supposed) shock value

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I don’t know about you, but I find this new PETA advertisement quite boring. It’s supposed to be what the French call “pub choc”, which means publicity with shock effect, but the only effect it has on me is to make me yawn.  I don’t wish to offend the airbrushed Zahia Dehar, escort girl turned fashion designer, but it’s like, been there, done that.  And I suppose it’s the cause, too, that doesn’t excite.  Have a heart, become a vegetarian??  Errrr….OK, I guess.  I’ll give it some thought.  Actually, I did stop eating meat for a year and then realized I missed it, so now I’m eating meat again.

And my last beef (pardon the pun) is this – aren’t there more pressing causes in the world today other than to ask people to become vegetarian?

PETA – People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals   I can think of a dozen urgent causes right now concerning the ethical treatment of humans.  And in saying that I’m in no way discrediting or minimizing the importance of compassionate treatment of animals.

Want to see some advertising campaigns with shock value?  Here’s one – simulated gang rape, but at least they’re all stylishly dressed….what was D&G thinking??

 dolce gabbanagun adbaby junkiebaby-soft-1970sreporters-without-borders-ink-france-2009duncanquinnad

And just for fun, here are some ads from the past that, in their time, weren’t intended to shock at all.  But today they’re seriously shocking!


4 thoughts on “a new publicity campaign with (supposed) shock value

  1. A great post!:) Some of these old ads – unbelievable. Some of the new ads – also unbelievable. The vegetarian ad? I’m with you. I’ve heard this stuff before. I have a tendency to eat mostly vegetables but I like to have a steak now and then, too.

    • The Camel cigarette ad cracks me up. “Your T zone will tell you – T for taste, T for throat”. How about “T for throat cancer” !

  2. Always entertaining, your blog. And you’re right…the PETA ad is trivial in the face of our current human disasters on a global scale.

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