pre-Christmas shopping on the rue Boissy d’Anglas – part 2

Paris Nov 11, 2014 016Paris Nov 11, 2014 020At the bottom of the rue Boissy d’Anglas (near the Place de la Concorde and to the left of the Hotel Crillon), is a shop called Ercuis & Raynaud that sells Limoges porcelain, decorative gifts and tableware.Paris Nov 11, 2014 045 Paris Nov 11, 2014 019 And right beside Ercuis is the Galerie Royale.  Step inside to see a few more shops.  If you go up the stairs and follow the passageway on your right, you’ll end up on the rue Royale on the other side.Paris Nov 11, 2014 038Paris Nov 11, 2014 041

On the rue Royale side is the Christofle boutique with its simple and elegantly-designed sterling silver jewellery, flatware, christening gifts and arts de la table.  Any item from Christofle would make the perfect gift.  I’ve been eyeing the iconic Andrée Putman sterling silver “Circle ring” for awhile now.  230 euros.  I think this would make a nice birthday-Christmas gift to myself.

Paris Nov 11, 2014 025 ring

Back on the rue Boissy d’Anglas, stroll up to the cross-road, the rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, and pop into the flagship Hermès store on the corner with its saddlery at the back. Walk in like you own the place, stride over to the perfume counter and spritz yourself (liberally) with your favourite perfume.  Mine is Amazone.  I’ve been wearing it for 20 years.

Paris Nov 11, 2014 053Continue walking north and beside the Anne Fontaine shop you’ll see Le Village Royal with its quiet courtyard, shops and restaurant.Paris Nov 11, 2014 060Paris Nov 11, 2014 066The appeal of this restaurant is the absence of street noise and traffic fumes.Paris Nov 11, 2014 068Paris Nov 11, 2014 064 Here’s the rue Royale on the other side running between the place de la Concorde and the place de la Madeleine. The much-loved Ladurée tea salon and famous macaroon shop is across the street.Paris Nov 11, 2014 070 Paris Nov 11, 2014 127

2 thoughts on “pre-Christmas shopping on the rue Boissy d’Anglas – part 2

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