Paris – random photos

Hello blog readers,

Here are a few pics taken last Sunday afternoon during a ramble around central Paris.  I must admit I’m pretty lucky to be able to jump on the metro and in 10 minutes find myself standing in front of the magnificent Louvre museum.  Another thing I like about this city is its compact size.  You can cover a lot of ground, on foot, in just half a day.

It was a gorgeous, breezy day and as I look at these pictures, I must confess:  Paris is one beautiful city!

Paris Secret Passages June 17, 2013 016Paris Secret Passages June 17, 2013 019Paris Secret Passages June 17, 2013 035Paris Secret Passages June 17, 2013 049Paris Secret Passages June 17, 2013 062Paris Secret Passages June 17, 2013 089Paris Secret Passages June 17, 2013 186Paris Secret Passages June 17, 2013 200Paris Secret Passages June 17, 2013 001Paris Secret Passages June 17, 2013 190

4 thoughts on “Paris – random photos

  1. your pics could have been taken from our last visit in May. We love the Palace Royale and I think that is the Gallerie Vivienne just a short walk away…fwiw, I have never been able to accept the Pyramid at the Louvre…it looks like a child’s toy dropped in the wrong place. Now, that I think of it I really do not like the stripped pedestals at the Palace ‘Royale, either. I guess I am a traditionalist. 🙂

  2. Yes, that’s right. It is the Galerie Vivienne – I’ll post more pics next week of that one and the other passages which were practically empty last Sunday. Very pleasant for strolling and window-shopping. As for I.M. Pei’s Pyramid….some love it, others loathe it. What I like about it is the reference to historical Egypt, but fashioned in such a modernistic way. It’s the element of surprise, I guess, that stops people in their tracks. As for the black and white pedestals in the courtyard of the Palais Royal, known as “Daniel Buren’s columns”, again, it’s the audacity and the integration of modern into historical that either shocks or delights people. Luckily, there’s enough “art” in Paris to suit all tastes.

  3. We are friends of Sherman and have joined you through our association with him. We share pretty much his post above. Since we will be in Paris for a week starting July 15, we were really pleased to read about the passages in you next post. We didn’t know about them and plan to explore them. Thank you for posting them.
    Howard and Dee Walker

    • Hello Howard and Dee, It’s good to hear from you. This weekend I’ll be putting up a post of another favourite place of mine – the Palais Royal gardens – and it’s right near the Galerie Vivienne. You must go there, you won’t be disappointed. Have a great time in Paris. If there’s anything specific you want to know, don’t hesitate to ask me. cheers, Juliet

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