There comes a time in the day when you have to switch off the bad news, it’s too overwhelming, not to mention depressing beyond words. If you read it all day long on the internet or watch it on television (or both!), you’re going to develop a neurosis. Like yesterday, for example. Convinced that coronavirus can be spread through the air and float into my apartment from the street below, I shut all my windows.
I refuse to let this thing bring me down. It’s currently 6:30 pm on a cold Saturday evening and I’m chilling at home (where else would I be?) while enjoying an aperitif. During my grocery store run a few days ago, I bought essentials:
Last night I went through my DVD collection and watched two excellent movies: Revolutionary Road with Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio (the book by Richard Yates is superbly written), and the 1950 noir classic, In a Lonely Place, with Humphrey Bogart and Gloria Grahame. Netflix doesn’t entirely satisfy me. I need a larger stock to draw from. Thankfully, I have my DVD player and 50 or so good, old DVD movies.
YouTube has some good stuff. If you’re into old movies like I am, here’s a sweet one, perfect for a Saturday night (click on “Watch this video on YouTube”):
Hey Jules, thanks for this! Wishing you a happy healthy weekend and good movies. Talk soon.
Thanks, Cordy. Keep well. à bientôt.
ha ha! I like your idea of essentials. Thanks for your funny informative posts, much appreciated during this difficult time. Take care of yourself and let’s all pray for an early end to this catastrophic event.
Thanks, PC. Best wishes to your good self too.