Remember a long time ago when we used to drive around in cars on a Friday night, a group of gal pals going nowhere in particular? Sharing a reefer, we’d sing along – loudly – to Benny and the Jets on the 8-track. B-b-b-benny and the Jets … kids today wouldn’t know what an 8-track is. Remember Stevie Nicks singing Stop draggin’ my heart around and Stand Back? (she’s got 21 million views on Youtube). My happiest teen years, when I lived in the Toronto burbs, was doing just that. Cruisin’ and singin’ with my girlfriends. Sandy had this massive Pontiac convertible, it was more like a boat than a car, that we’d pile into before driving off into the night, the radio or tape deck cranked up real high.
Why am I mentioning this? Because English comedian and TV host, James Corden, came up with the same fun idea. Have a look.