The Sierra Club


If I lived in the States, I’d be a member of the Sierra Club.

For those not familiar with this important environmental organization, here’s a brief Wiki description – The Sierra Club was founded on May 28, 1892, in San Francisco, California by the Scottish-American preservationist, John Muir, who became its first president.

Traditionally associated with the progressive movement, the club was one of the first large-scale environmental preservation organizations in the world, and currently engages in lobbying politicians to promote green policies. Recent focuses of the club include promoting green energy, mitigating global warming, and opposing coal. (Thank you, President Obama, for rejecting the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline project!)  (That was definitely a step in the right direction.)

In addition to political advocacy, the Sierra Club organizes outdoor recreation activities that includes wilderness courses, hikes, rock climbs, and alpine expeditions.

There are some hiking expeditions in Hawaii that appeal to me, I’ve always wanted to visit Hawaii.  Not to laze around a beach but to explore rain forests, volcanos and nature preserves.  Check out their website for really interesting group hiking, cycling, and exploring expeditions all over the world. (link below) 

As you know, the Climate Change Conference is taking place here in Paris at the end of this month.  Below you’ll find the link to the Sierra Club’s #ActInParis campaign.  This campaign aims to bring awareness to the Paris negotiations and support climate action at all levels — from local to national to international.


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