brand new Charlie cartoons from around the world


This is satire at its best ! (link below)

Egypt, Iran, Tunisia, the U.S.A., France….scroll down.  Some are in English.  The French ones might be hard to understand if you don’t speak French.  But they’re funny !

My favourites are from Mazen Kerbaj – “I think. Therefore I am no longer.”

One from James where a jihadist holding a machine gun says to his killer-friends “Guys! Guys! I’m being threatened by a pencil! What do I do?”

Gilles Rochier – “Will you lend me a pencil?” “Yeah, but be careful. It’s loaded.”

Tine – At the morgue. “What do I put for cause of death…human stupidity? Or caricature?”

And lastly, a very sad one from Julien Sarraute. A postcard with From Paris with Love written on it and addressed to Al Queda in Yemen and elsewhere. “Hey Al, Today we were with all our friends in Paris. It was super.” signed the Charlie Hebdo victims that were savagely gunned down.

Charlie Hebdo will continue to print.  A “survivor” issue comes out next Wednesday.

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