As I sat in my apartment feverishly working on my chapters (I’m writing a memoir), the sunshine cajoled and beckoned me outdoors. “Viens, Juju…” it said, “Come outside and play!” So out I went.
Under a perfect blue sky, I walked to my local Sunday morning market. The forecast for today and tomorrow is 17°C, slight cool breeze and abundant sunshine.
I am truly grateful – and sometimes ashamed – of the abundance in our lives. Knowing that others do not have enough.
The word that comes to mind when I look at all this produce is surfeit (excess, oversupply). In theory, prices should fall because of this superabundance, but I find outdoor markets (this one in particular) expensive. What do they do with the stuff they don’t sell?
These mangos are outstanding. Called “peach of the tropics”, they come from Senegal, the Ivory Coast, South Africa and Brazil depending on the season.In the winter, strawberries come to us from southern Spain and Morocco.Gorgeous fresh shrimp, or prawns, from Madagascar.