random summer shots (and summer sandals)

The weather’s gorgeous here. 29°C, azure sky, hot breeze blowing in from somewhere. It rarely gets humid, not like in Toronto and other lakeside cities.  A heatwave is predicted for the beginning of next week.  Here are some random shots that I took as I made my way around the city this week.  I’ve been visiting the same places lately, so you’ll see the Secret Garden again. These first three are the Parc Monceau, a favourite park in the 8th arrondissement –Paris July 2013 002Paris July 2013 017Paris July 2013 011Back to the jardin du Palais Royal –Paris July 2013 027Paris July 2013 030Paris July 2013 031Paris July 2013 032

Earlier, I said I’d like to do a post of summer sandals. I’m not quite sure how I’m going to move around the city taking photos of people’s feet without looking like a foot fetishist…..actually, I do revere beautiful footwear.  I guess I’ll start with my own summer sandals.  Bought in the sales last year.  Italian.  Naturellement.feet 001

I completely forgot that I did snap a few photos of sandals in boutique windows a month and a half ago.Paris Secret Passages June 17, 2013 177Paris Secret Passages June 17, 2013 181Paris Secret Passages June 17, 2013 178

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